We are grief stricken to share the news of Sh Anil K Sharma’s passing away. He left for his heavenly abode on October 14,2021. He was an extraordinary man both personally and professionally, the creator and thought leader behind Contemporary Vibes. He conceptualized the literary magazine to share his intelligence, thoughts and passion with the […]

LETTERS HIVE Thanks a lot for sending me a copy of the 16.64 July-September 2021 issue of Contemporary Vibes. As I have been very busy with the editing of our two journals, I couldn’t go through the contents of the issue earlier. Beyond any doubt, this issue is an amazing one, rich with excellent critical and […]


THE VISHLESHNA SCHOOL OF THOUGHT! Contemporary Vibes has been successful in establishing An Analytical School of Thought with its stupendous journey of 12 years since its launch in 2005. C.V. is a non-profit literary venture primarily launched to awaken the hitherto dormant spirit of authors/poets/intellectuals across the globe for an introspection and interaction- ultimately leading […]